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Blog Post #2

Open learning principles make education more accessible and inclusive by allowing everyone the opportunity for an education. It makes resources accessible so people can learn on their own time from wherever they are located. It’s a really good opportunity for everyone to learn at their own pace within their own schedules so no matter what they can complete the work that they are able to. There is also a wide range of learning formats which include online lectures, podcasts, videos, opportunities to collaborate with peers and so much more. Open learning could transform educational outcomes by giving access to anyone all over the world to learn. No matter where you live you could have the opportunity for an education which could lead to a better and brighter future. 

Historical advancements in educational technology have shaped modern educational tools and philosophies by making education more accessible by using different forms of technology. We are also able to enhance our knowledge by using apps or videos on these different technologies to further enhance our learning. It makes learning more interactive and allows for a community base all throughout the world. Just like how we read in the article, the expansion of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has been one of the biggest transformations of our education in today’s modern world. Today’s online courses allow students to learn about their own past during whatever time they want. Most people don’t take courses in the summer but some choose to either catch up or stay ahead to allow for a greater educational journey. 

The shift from traditional to digital, learner-centered platforms have transformed educational settings in many different ways. As talked about above, the introduction to digital learning has made education more accessible and inclusive to all. One big reason for this is digital platforms. The use of digital platforms has allowed for the adoption of online courses that can be taught all year round at your own pace. These online courses make learning flexible and accessible to everyone so we all have the opportunity to learn. We are also able to collaborate with new people all the time which gives us an even greater opportunity to learn and grow and talk about new ideas. Reaching out to teachers and/or professors is also much easier and we are able to receive support and feedback quicker so we can continue our studies at a higher level.  Ways I think these tools could further evolve to enhance learning is to have the option for free courses. Taking a course through a university to get a degree is a little different and comes with a cost. But making different types of learning free to the general public from different institutions would allow for an even greater opportunity to learn and truly make it accessible for all. Not everyone can pay a $600 course fee to learn but mostly everyone can go to a public library to use a computer and participate in a free course so they have the opportunity to learn and grow. 

These theories have been effectively applied to my personal experiences by supporting me through project-based learning. They have contributed towards my peer contributions and my learning overall. Learning about theories improves learning.  Multimedia resources have played a crucial role in enriching educational experiences by making learning more engaging. Using multimedia resources allows for the opportunity for people with different learning styles to thrive. People can learn by watching videos, reading articles, hands on work, and much more which makes learning more inclusive. 

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  1. abbyashfield 21 July 2024

    Hi Jorja!

    Great blog post! I found it very insightful! Open learning principles definitely make learning more accessible! For instance, I am able to continue my education this summer while away and working. I also agree that the variety of digital platforms open learning uses aids in making it accessible. For instance, I am an auditory learner, so videos and podcasts are most helpful. What about you? Do you have a preference of type of media?

    I also really liked your idea of making courses free as this is definitely a big learning barrier for many. I know there are scholarships and student loans available, but maybe focusing more on student funding would be beneficial.


  2. jungjooyoon 23 July 2024

    Great post! I really appreciate how you highlighted the importance of open learning and its potential to make education accessible to everyone. Your insights on the evolution of educational technology and the benefits of digital, learner-centered platforms are spot on. I agree that free courses would further enhance learning opportunities and truly make education inclusive. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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