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Blog Post #5

  • Using Your PLN for Growth: 

Ways in which I use my PLN for professional growth and learning is I actively participate in discussions with many different groups. I speak to many different people who own their own business or have made money in many different ways through online uses so I can continue to learn and grow. Doing this has made me learn about so many new and exciting ways to make money like freelance copywriting is what I am learning about right now but I have already learnt a little bit about amazon reviews, online quote accounts and so much more. I use a few different social media platforms like instagram, facebook, pinterest, snapchat, and tiktok. I am currently in the process of getting set up on Linkedin. The platform I personally have found to be the most engaging, informative, and able to share resources, seek advice and collaborate with peers would be instagram. This is because I am actively using instagram for my personal and professional life. It is where I have been able to connect with people to learn more about different ways to make money and how I connect with friends. Which allows me to actively use my professional and personal life to learn and grow. 

  • Engaging with Your Community:

I try to engage with my PLN community in many different ways. I engage in discussions through all of my platforms which allows me to grow my community. As mentioned earlier I engage with different groups which helps me offer support and feedback to peers while getting guidance myself. I post regularly on my instagram account sharing content based on my life and what I am up to. 

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash
  • Building a Supportive PLN: 

Steps I have taken and plan to take to build a supportive PLN is I plan to continue to engage with others on the platforms I use which share the same goals and values as me. Doing this allows me to support myself through the media as well as showing support for others and their accomplishments. I identify and connect with similar professional interests and goals through my PLN by following and getting in contact with people who can help me on my professional journey. Through these people I learn how I can further develop my social presence, make passive income and connect to other people in the industry and who could use my services. I continue to follow these people on different platforms to engage with their content and social following. 

Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash
  • Expanding Your PLN: 

My long-term goals for my PLN is to continue to connect with people and grow my platform. As I continue to do so as time goes on I will have more connections to people in different industries and in different parts of the world which will allow me possible future career opportunities. It will also allow me to learn more and gain more knowledge towards things I am interested in and maybe new things I will learn about. I am also hoping to at some point use my platform or servies I offer to make money and have a passive income. My family is made up of entrepreneurs which I have been able to use to my advantage as it has allowed me to connect with people in many different industries who could help me in different places. I am very fortunate to have these opportunities and connections as it will allow me to further grow my PLN and connect with people who can help me grow. 

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