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Blog Post #5

  • Introduction to Open Education:

Open Education is free and accessible learning resources that people have access to. It is very important in today’s learning environment because it gives more people the opportunity to learn and gain more knowledge on important topics. I talked about this in a previous blog post on how allowing people more free access to any learning is very important because it will further develop their lives and enhance our community. 

  • Understanding Open Pedagogy: 

My understanding of Open Pedagogy is that it is a system that incorporates Open Educational Resources as a way to incorporate the students into their own learning. It is a system that creates more engaging and collaborative activities that increase participation and engagement from a group. It is a significant approach in modern education because it encourages creativity and further development in a child’s learning skills. Instead of just delivering content to students and step by step activities students need to complete, it allows them to participate and engage with their learning. It’s a knowledge creation system. Students are more equipped with communicating with their teachers and others as well as collaborating with their classmates. There becomes a partnership in a student’s learning between student and teacher which creates a more trustworthy and engaging environment. 

  • The Roles of OERs

OER stands for Open Educational Resources. OERs can change and impact student engagement and academic resources as it gives everyone the opportunity to engage in a learning environment. Having textbook and multimedia materials ensures that everyone is presented with a fun and engaging way to learn and are offered new opportunities no matter their learning style. This way no matter if you’re in school or not you have access to the opportunity to learn. 

  • Open Licensing Explained: 

Open licensing is when someone grants permission to others to use and modify their work and distribute it in creative ways. Usually linked to Open Educational Resources to promote collaboration, sharing, and innovation. Understanding these licenses as an educator is important because it makes you more aware and cautious of the work you can be using and sharing with your students to implement more fun and inclusive learning opportunities. 

  • Challenges and Solutions: 

Some challenges faced in implementing Open Pedagogy and OER are awareness, and technical issues. Educators have to be aware of the resources they can and cannot use and may need training to figure out how to implement these new learning resources. Technical issues can arise from people having trouble accessing these resources or even when teachers try using them. Sometimes things may be posted and available one day but then the next they are no longer to be found which can be a challenge when students are trying to access this important information. Addressing these challenges could be making everyone aware how to work and access these resources to have a smoother learning environment. 

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